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Inductor energy storage has negligible influence on the low-frcqucncy components of the converter waveforms. The average load power is Pff. The dc OLitput voltage is Vand the sinusoidal ac input vohage has peak amplitude V. (a) Determine expressions for the duty cycle variations d{i} and the inductor current variation !((), assuming that the convener operates in the continuous conduction mnde. (b) Derive the conditions for operation in the continuous eonduction mode. Manipulate your result to show that the convener operates in CCM when R is less than T, v(l), V), and determine Л ,;,. (c) For what values of R does the converter always opctatc in CCMV in DCM? (d) The ac input voltage has rras amplitude in the range 1 ()8 V to 132 V. The maximum load power is 100 W, and the minimum load power is 10 W. The dc output voltage is 120 V. The switching frequency is 75 кНг. What value of L guarantees that the converter always operates in CCM? in DCM? |