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McMuRRAY, Resonant Snubbers wilh Auxiliary Devices, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, VoL 29, No. 2, pp. 355-361, 1993. Probleivis 20.1 In the forward converter of Fig. 20.43, L and С are large filter elenients while L, L, and C have rela- tively small values. The transformer reset mechaniiim is nol shown; lor this problem, you may assume that the transformer is ideal. (ТЛЛГ I :я ТППГ Trey Fig, 20,43 Forward converter with resonant switch, Problem 20.1. (a) Classify the re.sOnant switch. (Ь) Which semicfxidtictor device ; operate with zero-voltage switching? With zero-current switching? {c) What is the resonant frequency? 20.2 In the high-voltage converter of Fig. 20.44, capacitor С is relatively large in value. The transformer model includes an ideal l:n transformer, in conjunction with magnetizing inductance L (referred to the primary side) and winding capacitance C (referred to the secondжy side). Transistor Q and diode exhibit total outpul eapacilanee C, while the output capacitance of diode is C, Other nonidealities, such as transformer leakage inJuclance, ean be ignored. The resonant switch is well-designed, sueh lhat all elements listed above contribute to ideal operation of the converter and resonant switch. ![]() Fig. 20.44 High-voltage dc-de converter containing a resonant switch network. Problem 20.2. <a) What type of resonant switch is employed? What is the parent FWM converter? (b) Which semiconduclor devices operate wilh zero-voltage switching? With zero-current switching? (t) What is the tank resonant frequency? (d) Sketch the waveforms ot the transistor drain-to-source vohage and transformer magnetizing Current. 20J In the transformer-isolated dc-dc converter of Fig, 20.45, capacitors Cj and and inductors t[ and L/j are relatively laie in value, so that ihey have small switching ripples. The transformer model indudes an ideal l:n transformer, in conjunction with magnetizing inductance (referred to the primary side) and leakage inductances L, and tj as shown, Transistor exhibits ouiput capacitances C while the output eapacilance (jf diode is C, MOSFET Q] ct>ntains a boJy Jitide {not e\plieitly shown). Other nonidealities can be ignored. The resonant switch is well-designed, such that all eleinents listed above eimtribule lo ideal operation ofthe eonverter and resonant switch. (a) What type of resonani switch is employed? What is the parent PWM converter? (b) Which semiconductor devices operate wilh zero-voltage switching? With zero-currenl switching? 204 Л buck-boost converter is realized using a half-w-avt ZCS quasi-resonant switch. The load resistanta tias value Л, the input voltage has value V, and the converter switching frequency is f.. (a) Sketch the circuit schematic. (b) Write the complete system of equations that can be solved to determine the outpul voltage V, in terms ofthe quantities hsted above and the component values. It is not necessar> lo actually solve yuur equations. You may also quote results listed in this textbook. |