For a periodic waveform composed ofii piecewise segments as in Fig. A.12, the rms value is
where D, is the duty cycle of segment i, and is the contribution of segment k. The us depend on the shape ofthe segments-several common segment shapes are listed below:
Constant segment, Ftg. A.13:
(A, 13)
Fig. A.13
Trianguhu segment. Fig. A.14:
(A. 14)
Trapezoidal segment. Fig. A. 15:
Ftg. A. 15
Sinusoidal segment, half or full period. Fig. A.16:
Fig. A.16
Sinusoidal segment, partial period: as in Fig. A.17, a sinusoidal segment of less thati one half-period, which hcgitis at angle 0, and ends at angle O. The angles <)j and 0 are expressed in radians: