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Строительный блокнот Introduction to electronics 40 dB II Gil 20 dB OdB -20 dB OdB 60 dB
ЮОНг 1 кНг 10 Шг 100 кНг ilg. Н.26 Comparison of CPM tonfml with duty-cycle t ntrol, for tlie contiyjl-to-output frequency lesponse of the buck converter exunijile. control input equal to V. - 1.4 V, At the quiescent tiperating point, the switch duty cycle is £> = 0.676, the dc output voltage is V= 8.1 V, and the dc component of the inductor current is Ц = 0.81 A, The converter operates in CCM. Magnitude and phase re.sponses of the control-to-output transfer functions G.(.s) = WC. and СД*) - vidare shown in Fig. B.26. The duty-cycle to output voltage transferfunction G./.t) exhibits the familiar second-order high-Q resptmse. Peaking in the magnitude response and a steep change in phase from 0° to - 180° occur around the center frequency of the pair of complex-conjugate ptdes. In contrast, the CPM control-to-output respoii.se has a dominant low-frequency pole, The phase lag is around - 90° in a wide range of frequencies. A high frequency pole contributes to additional pha.se lag at higher frequencies. The frequency responses of Fig. B.26 illustrate an advantage of CPM control over duty-cycle control. Because of the control-to-output frequency response dtimiiiated by the single lt)w-freqnency pole, it can be much easier to close a wide-bandwidth outer voltage feedback loop around the CPM contrt)lled power converter than around a converter where the duty cycle is the control input. .Another advantage of CPM control is in rejection of input voltage disturbances. Line-to-output frequency responses for duty-cycle control and CPM control in the buck example are compared in Fig. B.27. At practically all frequencies of interest, CPM control offers more than 30 dB better attenuation of input voltage disturbtuices. It is also interesting to compare the output impedance of the ctinverter with duty-cycle control versus CPM control. The results are shown m Fig. B.28. At low frequencies, duty-cycle controlled converter has very low output impedance determined by switch and inductor resistances. As the frequency goes up, the output impedance increases as the impedance of the inductor increases. At the resonant frequency of the output LC filter, significant peaking in the output impedance of the duty-cycle controlled convetter can be t>bserved. At higher frequencies, the output impedance is dominated by the impedance of the filter capacitor, which decreases with frequency. In the CPM controlled converter, the low-frequency impedance is high. It is equal to the parallel combination of the load resistance and the CPM cut- I G, II 20 dB -20 dB 40 dB -60 dB -80 dB -tOOdB Dttty cycle control d{i) = ronsiani Currem programmed mode vU) = constant ![]() 10 Hi 100 Нг 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 кНг Fig. B.27 Comparison of CPM control with duiy-ccle ctniirol, for the line-to-output frequency response of the buck converter csample, 20 dBQ OdBQ -20 dBQ Current programmed mode vjt) - constant Duty cycle control d{t) = constant ![]() ШНг 100 Hz IkHz SO kHz 100 kHz Fig. B.28 Comparison of CPM control with duty-cycle control, for the outpat impedance of the huck converter example. put resistance. Because ofthe lossless damping introduced by CPM control, the series inductor does not affect the output impedance, As the frequency goes up, the output impedance becomes dominated by the output filter capacitor and it decreases with frequency. 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