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Строительный блокнот Introduction to electronics Index Air gap in coupled induclor, 529, 551, 553 in flyback Iransformer, 530,559 in inductor, 499-501, 525-526, 539-542, 544 in transformer, Ш Л(П1НПООО turns), 545 American wire giiuge (AWG) data, 86S-869 design examples, 557, 560, 575, 580 Amorphous alloys, 507 Amperes law, 493-494 Amp-second balance {see Capacitor charge balance) Apparent power, 598 Arltftctal ramp circuii, 446 effect on СРЫ boo.sl )ow-harmonic reclifier, 654-656 effect on line-lo-oulput Iransfer funclion of CCM buck, 466-469 effect on small-signal CCM models, 459-466 effect on smitU-signal DCM models. 473-180 effect on slabiliiy ol CPM controllers, 4+4-449 Asymptoies (see Bode plots) Audiosuscepttbilttj <J,j,(>) (see Line-tc)-outpul transfer fanction) Average current control feedforward, 650-652 in low-harmonic recdfier systems, 64Я-654 modeling of, 652-654 Averaged switch modeling, 226-247 of current-programmed CCM converters, 454-459 of currenl-programmed DCM converters, 473-480 in discondnuous conduction mede, 410431 equivalent circuit modeling of conduction losses, 242-244, 816-818 equivalent circuit modeling of switching )os.se.s, 244-247 examples nonideal buck converter, 244-247 nonideal buck-boost converler, 242-244 CCIVI SEPIC, 228-235 of ideid CCM switch networks, 226-241, 815-816, 822-825 ol ideal DCM switch networks, 416, 822-S25 of quasi-resoreinl converters, 768-790 Average power and Fourier series, 590-593 modeled by power source element, 414-418, 454-459, 47380 in nonsinusoidal systems, 590-603 predicted by averaged models, 56 power factor, 594-598 sinusoidal phu.sor diagram, 598-599 Averaging approximation, discussion of, 189-190, 194-196 averaged switch modeling, 226-247 basic approach, 192-204 capacitor charge balance, 21-22 circuit, 226-247 lu find dc component, 5, 14 flyback ac model, 209-218 inductor volt-second balance, 20-21 introduction to, 187-192 modeling efficiency and loss via, 56 to model reclifier oulpul, 66S-670 (o model 3o converters, 685-690 of quasi-resonanl converters, 768-790 stale-space. 213-226 Ballast, electronic 705-707 Ijidex reotiiLnl inverter design, 726-740 Battery charger, S, 70 B-H ioop in an ac indnclur, 527-528 in a conventional transformer, 148, 528 in a coupled inductor, 529-5ЗД in a filter inductor, 526-527 in il flyback Iransformer, 530-531 modeling of, 494-495 Bidirectional dc-dc converters, 70 Bipiilarjunction transistor (BJT) breakdown mechanisms in, 85-86 construction and operation of, 81-86 current crowding, 84-85 Darlington-connected, 86 idealized switch characlerislics. 65-66 On resistance, 52, 8J-82 quasi-saturaticn, 82, 85 storage time, 84 stored minority charge in, 81-85 switching waveforms, 82-84 Bode plots [see also Haimonit trap fdters, Sinusoidal approx.Jmation) asymptote analytical equations, 281 CCM buck-boost example, 294-299 combinadons, 278-281 complex poles, 282-286 frequency inversion, 277-278 graphical construction of, 302-317 addition. 303-307 closed-loop transfer functions. 337-340 division, 311-313 parallel combination, 308-310 parallel resonance, 309-310 series resonance, 305-307 impedance graph paper, 310 nonmininium phase zero, 276 reactance graph paper, 310 real pole, 269-274 real zeni, 275 RHP zero, 276 transfer functions ofbnck, boost, huck-boost, 300 Body diode [see MOSFET) Boost converter [see also Bridge tonfiguralion. Push-pull isolated converters} active switch utilization in, 173, 676 averaged switch model, DCM, 419-420 circuit-averaged model, 235-239 current-programmed averaged switch model, CCM, 455456 averaged switch model, DCM. 477 small-signal ac model, CCM, 458459, 460463, 469-470 s-mall-stgnaJ ac model, DCM, 478-480 as inverted buck converler, 132-133 as low-harmonic rectifier, 642-646, 648-663 , 666, 674-685, 832-834 nonideal analysis of, 42-49, 52-56 quasi-resonant ZCS, 778-779 simulation example, 832-834 small-signal ac model CCM, 204-205, 252-253 DCM, 424-429 steady-stale analysis of, CCM, 22-27 DCM, 117-124 transfer functions, CCM, 300 Bridge configuration (dc-dc converters) boost-derived full bridge, 165-166 buck-derived fall bridge, 149-152 buck-derived half bridge. 152-154 lull bridge transformer design example, 576-580 minimization of transformer copper loss in, 549-550 Bridge conligiiration (inverters) .single phase, 7-S, 138-141, 143-145 three phase, 70, 141-143 Buck-boost converter {see also Flyback converler) averaged switcli model, DCM, 410-420 as cascaded buck and boosl converters, 134-136 current-programmed averaged switch model. DCM. 473-477 more accurate model, CCM, 461-463 simple model, CCM, 450-454 small-signal ac model, DCM, 478-480 dc-3oac inverter, 71-72 DCM characteristics, 1 12. 124-125,420 as low-harmonic recdfier, 645-646, 650 manipulation of ac model into canonical form, 250- nonideal, stale-spate averaged model of, 221-226 nimtnverting vers-ion. 135, J43-144 as rotated three-lerminal tell, 137 simulation of, 819-822 small-signal ac model, CCM, 204-205, 252-253 small-signal ac model, DCM, 420425 transfer funtlions, CCM, 294-31Ю transformer isolation in, 161-165 Buck converter {see also Bridge configuration. Forward Converler, Push-pull isolated tonverters), 5-6, 13-22, 31-33 active swiich utilization in, 173 averaged switch model, 239-241 turrenl-programmed averaged switch model, CCM, 454457 averaged swilch model, DCM, 477-478 smiill-signal ac model, CCM, 453, 462, 466-470 small-signal ac model, DCM, 477-80 eqiiLvalenl circuit modeling ol, small-signal ac, CCM, 204-205 , 253 small-signal ac, DCM, 424-426 sleitdy-sUtte, CCM, 50-52 steady-state, DCM, 420 as high power lactor rectifier, 646 multi-resonant reattzattijn, 784-786 ijuasi-sijuare-wave resonant reatiialions, 787-790 [juasi-resonant realizations zero current switching, 708, 768-782 zero voltage switching, 7ЯЗ-7Я4 simulation examples current programmed control, 837-839 voltage regulator, 827-831 small-signal ac raoJel CCM, 204-205, 253 DCM, 424-427 Hteady-slale analysis of CCM, 13-22, 31-33. 50-52 DCM, 111-117, 418420 Hwtlchtng loss in, 93-100, 244-247 employing synchronous recdlier, 73-74 transler luactioas, CCM, 300 13uck converter, 145-146 Buck 3b inverter (see Voltage source inverter) Canonical circuit model, 248-253 manipulation intocanonica! form, 250-253 parameters Cor buck, boosl, buck-boost, 253 physical development ol, 248-250 iransfer fuuciions predicted by, 248-250 Capactiur amp-second balance (.iff Capacitor charge balance) Capacitor charge balance boost converter example, 24-25 (Tllk converter example, 29-30 definition, 21 in discontinuous conduction mode, 1)5 nonideal boosl converter examples, 44, 54 Capacitor voltage ripple boost converler example, 26-27 buck converler example, 31-33 in converters containing two-pole fillers, 31-33 Cuk converler example, 30-31 Cascade connection of converters, 134-137 Characteristic value CX (current programmed mode), 445, 448 Charge balance (see Capacitor charge balance) Circuit averaging {see also Averaged switch modeling). 22(-247 averaging slep, 229-231 examples buck, 239-24! boost, 235-239 SEPIC, 228-234 linearization, 232-235 obtaining a lime-invariant network, 228-229 summary of 226-227 Commulalttn failure, 621 notching, 622 in 3b phase controlled rectifier, 620-622 Compensators (see also Control system design) design example, 354-362, 827-831 lag, 351-353 lead, 348-351, 358-359 PD, 348-351,358-359 P], 351-353 PID, 353-354, 359-362 Complex power, 598, 620 Comparer puwer supply, 7-3 Computer spreadsheet, design using, 174-176 Conduction loss Ые Copper loss. Semiconductor conduction loss) Conductivity modulation, 74-76, 78, 82 , 83, 87 , 89 Control system design (see also Compensators, Negative feedback), 331-376 compensation, 348-354 coastrucltoa ot closed-loop transfer functions, 334-340 design example, 354-362, 827-831 for low-harmonic rectifiers approaches, 648-663, 668-673 modeling, 652-653, 66S-673 phase margin lest, 341-342 vs. closed-loop damping factor, 342-345 stability, 340-347 voltage regulator block diagram, 332-333, 336, 355-357 design specifications, 347-348 Conlrol-to-output transfer function as predicted by canonical model, 248-250 of CCM buck, boost, and buck-buost converters, 300 of current programmed converters, 453, 458459, 464472, 480 of DCM converters, 426-427, 433 input filter, effect on, 380-382 Conversion ralio M (see also Switch conversion ratio p.) of boost, 16, 24, 123, 420 of buck, 16, 116-117, 420 |