Строительный блокнот Introduction to electronics defitiitioti, 598-599 in harmonii; Irap fillers, 628 in phase-controlled rectifiers, 619-620 Reciprocity relationship Isee aho Extra element theorem), 736, 845 Reclifiers (see also Ideal rectifiers. Low harmonic rectifiers), 1 energy storage in single-phase, 663-668 high quality, 589 ideal, 637-640 line-commLnated phase contrul of, 617-622 single-phase, 597,609-615 three-phase. 6t5-6l7 three-phase Iransformer connecliims in. 628-630 twelve pnlse, 628-630 in resonant dc-dc converter, 711-713, 718-719 Regulator system (see also Control system de.sign), 187-188,331-334, 665-666 Reluctance, 498 Resonance Bode plots of coraplex poles, 282-286 damping of, 391-398 graphical construction examples, 305-313 harmonic traps, 622-628 the low-(J approximation, 287-289 parallel resonant network, 309-310 series resonant netwurk. 305-307 Resonant converlers (see also Quasi-resonant converters, Mulli-re.sonanI converters, Quasi-sqiiare-wave converters. Zero vollage transition converler), 705- analysis of, via sinusoidal approximation, 709-713 LCC. 705-706, 73 1-733, 737-740 parallel, 705-706, 718-722, 731, 733 resonant link, 707 series, 705-707, 709-718, 722-726, 733, 741-748 Re.souanl inverlers, design of. 726-740 LCC design example, 737-740 output characteristics, 727-729 transistor current, dependence on load. 729-733 ZVS boundary, dependence on load, 734-737 Resonani link converters, 707 Resonant switches [see Quasi-resonant converlers, Mullt-resonanl switch, Quasi-scjuare-wave converters) Right half-plane zero Bode plol of, 276 caused by inpul filter, 390 physical origins of, 300-302 Ripple, swilching. 15-19. 108-110, 188-190 Root mean square value of commonly-observed converler wavefotms, 805-812 vs. Fourier series, 593-594 uf near-ideal rectifier currents, table of, 677 uf near-ideal reciifier waveforms, 673-678 Rotation of three-terminal cell, 137 Saturation of inductors, 497-498, 501 of magnetic materials, 494-495 oflransformers, 152, 503-504 Scholtky diode, 74, 77 Semiconducior conduclion kiss boost converter example, 52-56 inclusion in ac model. 204-213, 221-226, 242-244, 816-822 with Synchronous rectifier, 73-74 Semiconductor cost, 173-174 Semiconductor power devices (see also Bipolar junclion transistor. Diode. Gate turn-off Ihyrislor, Ins-lated-gale bipolar Iransistor, MOS-conlrolled thyristor, Scholtky diode, Silicon controlled rectifier), 63-102 charge control of, 74. 76 81-84. 94-95, 99 conductivity mudulaliun, 74 majority vs. minority carriers, 74 realization of switches using, 63-74 SEPIC [see Single-ended primary inductance converler) Series pass regulator, 4 Series resonant converter analysis via sinusoidal appruximation, 709-718 dependence of transistor currenl on load, 733 exact characlerislics continuous conduclion mode, 741-743 control plane, 746 even disconlinut>us conduction mode, 744-745 odd dtsconltnuoas conduction mode, 743-744 Outpui plane, 747-748 inlruduclion to. 705-707 subharmonic modes in, 717-718 zero-currenl switching in, 722-723 zero-voltage switching in, 723-726 Silicon area [see Swiich stress) Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) con.stjuction and characteristics of, 88-92 equivalent circnit, 89 inverter grade, 90 Silicon sleel, 495. 507 Simulation. 813-842 ac, 825-827, 829-S3 1, 837-839 averaged switch models basic CCM, 815-816 CCM wilh conduclion losses, 816-818 combined CCM/DCM, 822-825 currenl programmed conlml model, 834-837 de, 818-819 examples boosl reclifier, 832-834 biEck-boosl iransient response, 819-822 buck currenl programmed control, 837-839 buck voltage regulator, 827-831 SEPIC dc conversion rdtio and efficiency, 818-819 SEPIC frequency responses, 825-827 transient, 819-822, 830-831, 833-834 Single-ended primary inductance converler (SEPIC), 35-36, 145-146 averaged switch miKle! of continuousconduclionmode,228-233,825-827 discontinuoiLS ct)nduction mode, 418-420, 825-877 conversion ralio M{D) 145-146, 420 inverseof, 145-146, 168-171 as low-harmonic rectifier, 645, 676-677 simulation of 818-819, 825-827 tran.sformer isolation in, 168-171 Single quadrant switch definitions. 63-64 implenienlalion, 65-67 origins ofDCM. 107-112 Sinusoidal approximation, 709-713 Sinusoidal PWM, 689-690 Skin elfecl Ые al.wi Proximity effect), 508-510 Sk compensation Uee Artificial ramp) Small ripple approximation {see also Averaging) in ac modeling approach, 192-193, 218-219 and average powerloss, prediction of, 55-56 boost exaraple, 22-27 biickexample, 17-18 Cllk converter example, 27-31 definhion, 15-17 in discontinuous conduction mode, 112-114 failure of, in IwD-pole fillers, 31-33 Small-signal ac mt)deling via averaged switch modehng, 226-247,410-433, 454-459 via circuU averaging, 226-235 nfCCM converters, 187-264 of currenl programmed converters, 449-480 of DCM converters, 420-433 of low harmonic rectifiers, 668-673 via state-space averaging, 213-226 Snubbernelworks, 85, 92,97, 764-765,767 Soft switching (see also Zero current switching, Zero voltage switching), 761-802 Spacecraft power system, 8 Spice {see Simulation) Spreadsheet design of converters, 174-176 State equations of anetivork, 213-216 State-space averaging, 213-226 discussion, 217-221 example; nonideal buck-boo.st converler, 221-226 summary ofresull, 216-217 Steady state inductor current waveform, 18-22 operating point, 190-191, 198,217 Subbarmonic modes of serie.s resonant converler, 717-718 number, 740-741 Switch averaged modeling of, 226-247,410-431,454-459 current-bidirectional Iwo-quadranl. 67-70 four-quadrant. 72-73 ideal SPITT in converters, 4-7. 13-14. 16 22, 27 ideal SPST, 63-64 passive vs. active, 65, 90 powerdissipaled by ideal, 5,14 quasi-re.sonanl, 781-790 realization of using semictmduclor devices, 63-74 single-quadrant, 65-67 synchronous rectifier, 73-74 voltage-bidirectional Iwo-quadranl, 71-72 Switch conversion ralio (J. boosl converter example, 778-779 combined CCM/DCM model, 822-824 definition, 770, 823-824 of multi-resonant switch, 784-786 of quasi-resonant switches full-wave ZCS, 780-781 full-wave ZVS. 783 half-waveZCS, 776-779 half-wave ZVS, 783 of quasi-square-wave switches, 787-790 Switch network, 227, 235-241 boosl, 235-239. 241, 424-425, 816 buck, 239-241,424-425, 454-455, 816 general two-swilch, 228, 230, 233-235, 241,410-411,416,473-474,815 Switched mode, 3-7 Switching frequency converler efficiency vs., 10О-Ю1 definition of, 14 transformer size vs., 576 Switching harmonics {see also Ripple, switching), 5-6 removal of via averaging, 188-190 Switching kws {see alio Soft swilching, Zero currenl swilching. Zero vollage switching) averaged switch modeling of, 244-248 with clamped inductive load, 93-% and current tailing, 94-96, 768 and device capacitances, 98-100, 766 and diode recovered charge, 96-97, 99-100, 763-765 effect on converter efficiency, 100-101 and ringing wavefornis, 98-100, 763-767 and stray inductances, 98-100, 764, 766-767 Swiich stress S. 171-174 Swiich utiliialion U, 171-174 Synchronous reciifier, 73-74 Temperature rise in a converter, 2-3 in magnetics, 864 Thyristor [nee Gale turn-off Ihyrislor, MOS-conlrolled thyrislEir, Silicon controlled reciifier) Topologies of converters [see also Boost, Bridge configuration, Buck, Buck-boost, Cuk converler. Forward converter. Transformer-isolated converters, etc.) Cascade connections, 134-137 Converter synthesis, 143-146 Differential connection of load, 138-143 Evaluation and comparison, 171-176, 676-678 Inversion of source and load, 132-133 Low-hamioriic single-phase rectifiers, 640-648 Resonani converters, 659-664 Resonant swiich converlers, 781-790 Rotation of three-terminal cell, 137 Transformer isolation, 146-171 Total harmonic disioriion (THD) of current-priigrammed rectifiers. 655-656 definition, 596 vs. disiordon factor, 596-597 lEEE-519 limits, 604-605 of peak detection rectifier, 597-598 of single-phase bridge rectifiers, 597-598, 610-615 of three-phase bridge reclifiers, 615-617, 619 Transfer functions (see also Bode plots) of the buck, boost, and buck-boosl converters, 300 of current programmed converters, 453-454, 470-473, 837-839 of DCM Cdnverters, 427-433, 830 graphical conslrucdon of, 302-317 inpul filter, effeci on, 379-392 of low-harmonic reclifiers, 668-673, measurement of, 317-318 predicted by canonical model, 248-250, 300 simuladon of. 825-831, 837-839 Transformer connections in Ihree-phase recdfiers, 628-630 Transformer-isolated converlers, 146-171 boost-derived lopologies, 165-168 Cvik converter, 170-171 evaluation and comparison of, 171-176 flyback, 161-165 forward, 154-159 full bridge buck-derived, 149-152 half-bridge buck-derived, 152-154 multiple outputs and cross regulation, 147 push-pull buck-derived. 159-160 SEPIC, 168-169 transformer model, 147-149, 501-505 use of volt-second balance in, 14S-149, 151-152 Transformers B-H кюр in. 148, 503. 528 design of, derivation of prEjcedure, 565-570 examples, 573-580 step-by-slep procedure, 570-573 winding area uptimizatiun, 545-550 flyback transformer, 161-165 leakage inductance, 149,501-505 magnetizing inductance, 147-149, 502-504 modeling of, 147-149, 501-505 SEPIC transformer, 168-169 voll-secEjnd balance in, 148-149, 151-152 Triplen harmonics in three-phase four-wire networks, 600-601 in Ihree-phase inverter modulalion schemes, 690 in three-phase rectifier circuits, 615-616 in three-phase Ihree-wire networks, 601 TweKe-pulse recdfier, 629-630 Two-quadrant switches (see Switch) Universal-input rectifiers, 665 Variable-speed ac drive, 8-9 Vultage CEjnversion rario [see Conversion ralio M) Voltage injection, 364-367 Voltage-source inverter, 70, 142-143 Vuh-second balance [see Inductor voll-sec[)nd balance) Walkins-Iohnson converler, 145, 167-168 inverse uf, 145 isolated push-pull, 167-168 Window area all[)calion uf, lu minimize lulal copper loss, 545-550 definidon, 542 ferrile core tables, 863-867 Window ulilizalion facior K , 542 |