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Строительный блокнот Introduction to electronics Port 2 ![]() Power /low Port 1 Port 2 Fig. 6.2 Inversiun of source iind load transturms a buck converter into a boost convener: (a) buck conveiter, (b) inversion of source and loud, (c) realizaiioti of switch. ![]() O-о a Power flow Ponl Pnrt2 ![]() Power flow realization cannot be tised with the circuit of Fig. 6.2(h). By following the discussion of Chapter 4, one finds that the switch can be realized by eonneeting a transistor between the inductor and ground, and a diode from the inductor to the load, as shown in Fig. 6.2(c). In consequence, the transistor duty cycle D becomes the fraction of time which the single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch of Fig. й.2(Ь) spends in position 2, rather than in position 1. So we should interchange D with its complement in Bq, ((i,2), and the conversion ratio of the converter of Fig. 6.2(c) is (6.3) Thus, the boost converter can be viewed as a buck converter having the source and load connections exchanged, and in which the switch is realized in a manner that allows reversal of the direction of power flow. Converter 1 Converter 2 Iig. 6.3 Cascade connection ufcoiwerteis. 6.1.2 Cascade Connection of Converters Converters can also be connected in cascade, as illustrated in Fig. 6.3 [1,2]. Converter 1 has conversion ratio Af ,(D), such that its output voltage Vj is (6.4} This voltage is applied to the input of the second converter. Let us assume that converter 2 is driven with the same duty cycle D applied to converter 1. If converter 2 has conversion ratio iWj(C*), then the output voltage Vis (6,S} Substitution of Et]. (6.4) into Eq. (6.5) yields (Й.6) Hence, the conversion ratio M{D) of the composite converter is the product of the individual conversion ratios M,{D) and ЩО). Let us consider the case where converter 1 is a buck converter, and converter 2 is a boost converter. The resulting circuit is illustrated in Fig. 6.4. The buck converter has conversion ratio (6.7) The boost converter has conversion ratio V - L V, ~ 1-D (6.Я) So the composite conversion ratio is 6.1 Circuit Manipulations 135 -ППЛГ Buck converter Boost converter Vi. 6.4 CaKtade comieotion o[ buck converter and boost converter. ![]() ![]() Flg, 6.S Simplification of the cascaded buck and booy converter circuit of Kig, 6.4; (a) i-einoval of capacitor Cy (b) combining of indtictorsLi and U. V D V, I-D The composite converter has a noninverting huck-hoost conversion ratit). The voltage is reduced when D < 0.5, and increased when D > 0.5. The circuit of Fig. 6.4 can he sitnpllfted considerahly. Note that inductors f ;md l, along with capacitor Cp form a Ihree-pole low-pass filter. The conversion ratio does not depend on the number of poles present in the low-pass filter, and so the same steady-state output voltage should be obtained when a simpler low-pass filter is used. In Fig. 6.5(a), capacitor C[ is removed. Inductors i.[ and L2 are ntnv in series, and can be combined into a single inductor as shown in Fig. 6.5(b). This converter, the noninverting buck-boost converter, continues to exhibit the conversion ratio given in Eq. (6.9). The switches ofthe converter of Fig. 6.5(b) can also be simplified, leading to a negative output voltage. When the switches are in position 1, the converter reduces to Fig. 6.6(a). The inductor is connected to the input source V and energy is transferred from the source to the inductor. When the |